Saturday, August 22, 2015

Thermogenics are natural Supplements

Thermogenics are natural supplements that stimulate your nervous system and can give you more energy for exercising. By raising your body temperature, they actually increase fat burning within your body. Until recently, the key ingredient in most thermogenic formulas has been ephedra, also known as ma huang. Ephedra is a potent fat-burning herb; however, its potency also makes it dangerous for many people, expecially when used inappropriately.

Potentially lethal side effects exist for those with certain medical conditions or who take an excessive dose. But there are other thermogenic agents that do not contain epherda and that have fewer side effects. These include guarana (caffeine), green tea, forskolin, synephrine, and octopamine.
Thermogenics are natural Supplements

Due to their potency, thermogenics, unlike supplements in the Core Supplmenet program, should be teken only for a specified brief amount of time as a plateau breaker. Below, a description of thermogenic agents that I recommend (including alternatives to ephedra) is given, along with instructions on how to take them individually and in conjunction with one another.

It is particularly important that you review not only the benefits of thermogenics but also the precautions, as thermogenics are not for everyone and should be teken with a great deal of caution. Make sure you consult with a medical doctor before taking any thermogenic formula.

Most weight-loss drugs or supplements work though only one mechanism, but thermogenics help you burn fat, lose weight, and break through weight-loss plateaus in four important ways: they increase your metabolism, preserve muscle, decrease your appetite, and increase your energy.

Keep in mind that you still have to stay on the Hormone Revolution Weight-Loss Plan and exercise program while taking thermogenics. This is because the metabolism boost alone cannot make up for poor eating and lifestyle choices.

Your body’s metabolism naturally tends to slow down while you are restricting calories. As metioned before, thermogenics boost your body’s temperature, leading to a faster metabolism with more fat being burned.

Studies have shown that thermogenics are highly effective not only at increasing your metabolism, but also at focusing it on burning fat rather than muscle. One study showed that roughly half of the weight lost by dieters not on thermogenics was from burning muscle, whereas 90 percent of the weight lost by those taking thermogenics was from burning fat.

What this means for people who take thermogenics is that they can burn off around twice the amount of fat while still preserving muscle. People on thermogenics also experience a large (but temporary) reduction in apetite and are fat les likely to overeat.

Thermogenics are perhaps the most potent energizing them tend to be more active overall throughout the day. Taking thermogenics prior to exercise can enhance your workout intensity and its duration.

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