Androdiol burn fat and build muscle, Androdiol is the brand name of the prohormone 4-androstenediol (4AD). Prohormone are naturally occurring compounds in the body and are sold over the counter in supplement form. Prohormones are highly effective at promoting temporary boosts of fat-burning hormones such as testosterone. Unlike phosphatidyl serine, which works through the nervous system to balance and regulate your hormones, prohormones work by providing your body with raw materials to produce more of its own natural hormones.
Prohormones are perhaps the most powerful and effective supplements currently available for promoting increased energy, better workouts, improved mood, and increased **x drive. Most important for the Hormone Revolution program, prohormones boost levels of hormones that will help you burn fat and build muscle.
Android is a direct precursor to testosterone. This means that your body converts Androdiol to testosterone in one quick and simple reaction, making it the most effective yet gentle-acting prohormone supplrement. After you take it, you will experience a temporary boost in testosterone levels that will last for three to four hours and help your body stay in fat-burning mode. Higher levels of testosterone can energize your workout, increase your strength and endurance, and help your muscles repair and grow.
Androdoil is quite safe if used appropriately and not abused. It produces only a temporary spike in hormone levels and does not disturb your body’s natural hormone production or run the risk of signaling the brain to reduce its natural **x hormone production.
When abused, synthetic injectable ana bolic steroids can cause the body’s natural testosterone production to shut down almost completely for prolonged periods of time. HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels can go down severely as well. Both of these effects are less of a risk when using natural potent prohormones such as Androdiol. However, even when using natural testosterone-boosting supplements, I still recommend being cautious and following the guidelines below. By perdita di peso.
Some bodybuilders and athletes take multiple doses of Androdiol every day of the week. While these large doses can be effective for building muscle and burning fat, this approach is only recommend for experienced and/or younger weight lifters with at least one to two years of dedicated training.
People who have just started working out need only a little boost and do not have to bombard their bodies with a constant barrage of extra hormones. If you do decided to take larger doses, seek medical supervision and have regular blood test for hormone levels, cholesterol levels, and liver function. While there have been few reported side effects from people using Androdiol, whenever using large doses of a supplement or a drug that impacts hormone levels, you should be on the lookout for potential prostate problems, acne, and lowered HDL cholesterol levels.
Women should start out with a very small dose of about 5 milligrams and increase it slowly by 5 milligrams at a time, up to a maximum dosage of 25 milligrams per day. Three are a few products available in powder or a liquid spray that grant greater flexibility with dosages. Some women also use a pill cutter to cut a 12-milligram lozenge in three or four pieces of about 3 to 4 milligrams each. Women should take Androdiol in cycles of two to four weeks.
Young women still wishing to have children should not take Androdiol or any other prohormone. As with birth control pills, usage of prohormones can make conceiving later in life much more difficult. Women who experience (which is rare at the doses I recommend) should reduce their dose immediately. Another alternative is to use DHEA (discussed later in this article), which is a much milder prohormone.
Prohormones are perhaps the most powerful and effective supplements currently available for promoting increased energy, better workouts, improved mood, and increased **x drive. Most important for the Hormone Revolution program, prohormones boost levels of hormones that will help you burn fat and build muscle.
Android is a direct precursor to testosterone. This means that your body converts Androdiol to testosterone in one quick and simple reaction, making it the most effective yet gentle-acting prohormone supplrement. After you take it, you will experience a temporary boost in testosterone levels that will last for three to four hours and help your body stay in fat-burning mode. Higher levels of testosterone can energize your workout, increase your strength and endurance, and help your muscles repair and grow.
Androdoil is quite safe if used appropriately and not abused. It produces only a temporary spike in hormone levels and does not disturb your body’s natural hormone production or run the risk of signaling the brain to reduce its natural **x hormone production.
When abused, synthetic injectable ana bolic steroids can cause the body’s natural testosterone production to shut down almost completely for prolonged periods of time. HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels can go down severely as well. Both of these effects are less of a risk when using natural potent prohormones such as Androdiol. However, even when using natural testosterone-boosting supplements, I still recommend being cautious and following the guidelines below. By perdita di peso.
Androdiol Burn Fat and Build Muscle For Men
Men should take 100 to 200 milligrams of Androdiol 20 to 30 minutes before working out, three to four times per week. Those who are using a sublingual (under the tongue) Androdiol lozenge can decrease their dosage to 12 to 25 milligrams. Androdiol users should cycle their doses, taking it for four to six weeks, Then abstaining for the same amount of time they were on it. Men who are older (more than thirty to forty years old) should use Androdiol for even shorter periods and take more time off to get the best results.Some bodybuilders and athletes take multiple doses of Androdiol every day of the week. While these large doses can be effective for building muscle and burning fat, this approach is only recommend for experienced and/or younger weight lifters with at least one to two years of dedicated training.
People who have just started working out need only a little boost and do not have to bombard their bodies with a constant barrage of extra hormones. If you do decided to take larger doses, seek medical supervision and have regular blood test for hormone levels, cholesterol levels, and liver function. While there have been few reported side effects from people using Androdiol, whenever using large doses of a supplement or a drug that impacts hormone levels, you should be on the lookout for potential prostate problems, acne, and lowered HDL cholesterol levels.
Androdiol Burn Fat and Build Muscle For Woman
Androdiol is a mild hormone booster for men but is very potent when used by women. Far fewer women than men take Androdiol because it is rarely sold in doses appropriate for them to take. Whereas men may need up to 200 milligrams of Androdiol, women should only take 5 to 25 milligrams two to three times a week, or 1 to 5 milligrams if taken as a sublingual lozenge.Women should start out with a very small dose of about 5 milligrams and increase it slowly by 5 milligrams at a time, up to a maximum dosage of 25 milligrams per day. Three are a few products available in powder or a liquid spray that grant greater flexibility with dosages. Some women also use a pill cutter to cut a 12-milligram lozenge in three or four pieces of about 3 to 4 milligrams each. Women should take Androdiol in cycles of two to four weeks.
Young women still wishing to have children should not take Androdiol or any other prohormone. As with birth control pills, usage of prohormones can make conceiving later in life much more difficult. Women who experience (which is rare at the doses I recommend) should reduce their dose immediately. Another alternative is to use DHEA (discussed later in this article), which is a much milder prohormone.
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