Symptomps of Menopause Women, Many postmenopausal women do need some sort of estrogen replacement therapy to treat the symptomps of menopause. Natural estrogen replacement therapy involving phytoestrogens can actually relieve hot flashes and lower the risk of heart disease and maybe osteoporosis while minimizing many of the fattening side effect of synthetic estrogens.
Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring estrogen like compounds found in many plants, the most common among them being black cohosh and soy. They have a chemical structure similar to that of human estrogen and a wide variety of positive effect on the human body. Other sources of phytoestrogens you can easily include in your diet or supplement program include red clover, chickpeas, and dong quai.
Most important for the hormone revolution program, phytoestrogen do not have the same fattening effect as human estrogen. By relying on natural phytoestrogen rather than the commonly prescribed horse estrogens, women can reap many of health benefits of estrogens while avoiding the fattening effect.
Symptomps of Menopause Women, If soy and black cohosh do not provide adequate treatment for your hot flash symptomps, low-dosage natural estrogen replacement may be necessary. However, you should talk with your doctor about taking small doses instead of synthetic hormones.
It is only commons sense to give identical human estrogens to a human, and it is also much better for a woman’s overall health. These estrogens also are available in the form of transdermal gels or creams that are applied to the skin, which are preferable to pills because they have a much milder fat-storing effect.
Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring estrogen like compounds found in many plants, the most common among them being black cohosh and soy. They have a chemical structure similar to that of human estrogen and a wide variety of positive effect on the human body. Other sources of phytoestrogens you can easily include in your diet or supplement program include red clover, chickpeas, and dong quai.
Symptomps of Menopause Women Threatment
Perdita di peso, Black cohosh is remarkably effective in treating hot flathes as well as other symptoms associated with menopause such as nervous tension and depression. The phytoestrogens found in soy (called isoflavones) have been found to have many of the same benefits as human estrogen, such as decreasing the risk of heart disease and relieving hot flashes, insomnia, and mood swings. Soy phytoestrogen, unlike human estrogen, may also reduce the risk of breast cancer.Most important for the hormone revolution program, phytoestrogen do not have the same fattening effect as human estrogen. By relying on natural phytoestrogen rather than the commonly prescribed horse estrogens, women can reap many of health benefits of estrogens while avoiding the fattening effect.
Symptomps of Menopause Women, If soy and black cohosh do not provide adequate treatment for your hot flash symptomps, low-dosage natural estrogen replacement may be necessary. However, you should talk with your doctor about taking small doses instead of synthetic hormones.
It is only commons sense to give identical human estrogens to a human, and it is also much better for a woman’s overall health. These estrogens also are available in the form of transdermal gels or creams that are applied to the skin, which are preferable to pills because they have a much milder fat-storing effect.
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