Monday, March 9, 2015

Healthy Fats For Lose Weight

Healthy Fats For Lose Weight
Healthy Fats For Lose Weight, When diets such as the Atkins diet became popular by allowing you to eat almost unlimited amounts of fat, provided you avoid carbohydrates, the American Heart Association condemned them as hazardous to your health for reasons similar to those perspectives, however, fail to take into account, and distinguish between, the different types of fat. Whereas some types greatly increase your cholesterol as well as your chances of heart disease, other types can actually dramatically lower your risk of heart disease and help you lose weight as well. by Perdita di peso

To most people, the concept of “good fat” is an oxymoron or an idea that is too good to be true. But many cultures have been taking advantage of the health benefits of good fats for centuries. For example, the fat content in the typical diet of people in Mediterranean countries is about 40 percent of their total caloric intake. While the typical American diet has a similar amount of fat, the source of it is harmful trans-fatty acids. But in Mediterranean countries, the main source of this fat is from olive oil, which poses a much lower risk of heart disease and obesity than for people in the United States. Healthy Fats For Lose Weight.

Olive oil makes such a difference because it is very high in monounsaturated fat, which is a classic example of a good fat. Monounsaturated fats not only lower your cholesterol and your risk of heart disease but also maximize the fat-burning effects of your hormones by raising your testosterone levels and lowering your insulin levels. Monounsaturated fat also works as an effective appetite suppressant because it slows the digestion and absorption of your food much in the same way as fiber (by coating carbohydrates and delaying their absorption), which helps give your brain a strong sense of fullness and satisfaction.

Healthy Fats For Lose Weight and Omega-3

Another healthy variety of fats are omega-3 fatty acids, Healthy Fats For Lose Weight, oils that are essential nutrients for your body’s natural functions but that cannot be produced in your body and therefore have to be ingested. These fatty acids are used by your cells to make their surface more fluid and reactive. As a result, your cells will require less insulin to deliver carbohydrates to them. More efficiently operating cells in your body lead to less insulin release in your body. As a result, eating the omega-3 oils can help sustain your energy levels after eating as well as delay when combined with other foods.

Unfortunately, these are not many sources of omega-3 oils. Rich sources from food include oily fish as well as shrimp, lobster, clams, oysters, and some nuts. (See Table 3.2 for comprehensive list of fat sources.) for people who don’t each much seafood or nuts, there are other options in the form of supplements. Fish oil and flaxseed oil, other rich sources of omega-3s, are available as dietary supplements in the form capsule.

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