Modifications to Exercise Plans, important to keep working out your muscle while you are on the program. However, if you are on a three-day split for weight lifting, during busy weeks you can revert to lifting weights only twice a week to save time.
Modifications to Exercise Plans
- The first week or two that you are following the program, you might want to start out with 15 to 12 minutes of aerobic exercise and slowly work your way up to 45 minutes.
- Remember that you can count brisk walking, such as walking your dog, as aerobic exercise. This can help you fit the aerobic portion of your exercise into your schedule.
- If you have a week that is especially busy, such as a deadline at work or a final exam, there are ways to work around this. But try to avoid cutting out your weight-training exercise that week, and instead scale back your aerobic exercise. It is important to keep working out your muscle while you are on the program. However, if you are on a three-day split for weight lifting, during busy weeks you can revert to lifting weights only twice a week to save time.
“NON-EXERCISE” EXERCISE and Modifications to Exercise Plans
Modifications to Exercise Plans, There are several simple ways you can improve
your overall fitness and work some “hidden” exercise into your program, especially on your days in between workouts or when you are too busy to get to the gym.
- Take the stairs whenever possible. Don’t waste your time waiting for an elevator.
- Don’t circle the block several times to find parking. Instead, park a few blocks away on purpose and get in a little bit of extra walking.
- Instead of going out to eat during your one-hour lunch break at work, pack your lunch and go on a 20-to-30 minute walk after you eat. Motivate some of your coworkers to do this with you in an effort to get in better shape and lose weight and fat.
- Drink lots and lots of ice-cold water. This doesn’t sound like hard exercise, but your body burns up calories reheating your body every time you cool it down with ice-cold water. Most people do not drink enough water anyway, so that is a healthy practice in general.
Modifications to Exercise Plans, While these activities are not especially exhausting they can make a difference in your program. You can easily lose extra 1 to 2 pounds of body fat per month by taking these simple steps.
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