Testosterone Replacement therapy, In the past, testosterone has been blamed for causing prostate problems, such as prostate cancer or benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH, or prostate enlargement), but it has never been shown or proven that testosterone causes prostate cancer.
More recent research has suggested that estrogen may in fact be the bigger culprit in causing prostate problems and that maintaining a youthful testosterone/estrogen ratio may in fact prevent prostate problems. But still, it is better to be safe. I recommend that all men over the age of forty-five get tested regularly for prostate problems, whether or not they are on testosterone replacement therapy. Make sure your doctor gives you regular test for prostate cancer and BPH, including measuring your blood levels of prostate specific antigen and giving you digital rectal examinations on a regular basis.
Testosterone also has been blamed for increasing the risk of heart disease. But recent research has shown that testosterone may actually lower the risk of heart disease for some men. Testosterone has been proven quite conclusively to be effective for helping you burn fat and gain muscle, and it is especially effective at burning abdominal fat. It also lowers insulin and LDL cholesterol levels in many men, melting their fat away. Anything that makes you leaner and more fit will likely decrease your risk of heart disease as well.
Don’t just accept aging and andropause as an act of nature or God’s natural intention. Fat too many men simply “give up” as they get older. In the past, there really was not as much hope as there is now. Testosterone had a “big bad” stigma in the past, and most doctors were too scared or ignorant to do anything to help fight andropause. Now we have a full spectrum of options to help fight andropause and the obesity associated with it. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor about the various options available to you. Arimidex, Androgel, and other treatment options can jump-start your Hormone Revolution program.
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