Many people often mistake the meaning of the fat percentage on milk labels, as it is a different method of fat measurement than on many nutritional labels. If you buy 2 percent milk, that actually means that 2 percent of the total weight of the milk comes from fat, not that 2 percent of the calories in the milk come from fat. In fact, one-third of the calories in 2 percent milk comes from saturated fat—an un healthy figure. Skim milk, with 0 percent fat, is obviously a much better option. by perdita di peso.
The Dairy Aisle, Most grocery stores offer milk alternatives, such as soymilk, for those of you who are lactose intolerant or vegans. However, you must be careful when choosing soymilk, as most brands are loaded with sugar and Low carbohydrates and have very little protein. Try to choose a brand of soy milk that gets at least one-third of its calories from protein.
To calculate this yourself, take the total amount of protein grams per serving shown on the label and multiply it by four. This will give you the total amount calories coming from protein. If this number is more than one-third of the total amount of calories per serving, than this brand is a good choice. Typically the best choices of soymilk are the ones labeled “plain” or “unflavored”; the vanilla-or chocolate flavored soymilk are usually the highest in sugar and carbohydrates. I recommend brands such as Silk, Vitasoy, and Whole Foods. The Dairy Aisle.
As mentioned before, margarine and butter substitute and spreads that contain partially hydrogenated oils should be strictly avoid for their trans fatty acid content. Healthier choices for margarine include various brand that use canola oil as a base, such as Promise or Benecol. These can help you lower your cholesterol levels and optimize your fat-burning hormones. A few companies also make “fat-free” margarine spreads. While they actually do contain a small amount of fat, it is so low that calories content is negligible.
Cheese is often a weak point for many people on weight-loss programs. The taste and texture of cheese is high in saturated fat and belongs in th e “indulgent food” category—foods that should be avoided except on special occasions. However, there are healthy fat free varieties of cheese that taste and melt like regular cheese.
Lifetime specially cheese offers a cheese that is made up almost entirely of milk protein and comes in many different flavors. Another alternative is feta cheese (made from goat’s milk), which is lower in calories and has a more favorable blend of fats. For people who are lactose intolerant or are on a vegans diet, there are many tasty alternative cheese made from soy or almond, the healthiest of which derive at least one-half of their calories from protein. The Dairy Aisle.
Egg are an excellent source of protein, but they are also high in fat and calories. As an alternative you can buy egg whites that come packaged in cold or frozen cartons—more convenient than removing the yolks yourself. Despite the healthy reputation of yogurt, almost all brand are loaded with carbohydrates and sugar. Therefore, the only healthy time to consume yogurt on the Hormone Revolution eating Plan is during your magic Window Meal.
One of the healthiest choice in dairy aisle is non fat cottage cheese. Which is very high in protein and low in carbohydrate and saturated fat. Low-fat cottage cheese satisfies your appetite and is a great source of high quality milk protein.
The Meat and Seafood Counter
Whatever kind of meat and seafood you buy, it is primarily important that it is fresh. You should only shop for meat, and especially seafood, from a grocery store or market that you trust is supplied by reputable sources. Don’t be afraid to inquire about the freshness of meats and where they are from.
The Dairy Aisle, Seafood should come from clean, non farmed, remote cold ocean waters; these fish feed on the extremely varied, rich natural environment, i.e., plankton, sea vegetables, and other valuable natural organism found in the open sea.
Most good seafood in the United states is flown in daily from abroad. Do not eat lake fish or any farmed fish that is caught near a large city as it may contain unknown toxins. Farmed fish may be cheaper, but it will not contain the desired natural omega-3 oil balance. All type of fish, shrimp, crab, and even lobster are excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acid, but salmon and tuna (fresh or canned in water) contain the most.
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