Therefore, these foods can actually increase your appetite and make you hungry more often. But this lack of fiber is actually beneficial for post workout Magic Window meals since the high-carbohydrates content in the foods will increase insulin activity, which will replenish the fuel in your muscle cells very quickly to aid in muscle building and recovery. However, if eaten when you haven’t exercised, your insulin systems will store the carbohydrates as fat, by perdita di peso.
While most fruit belongs in the moderate-fiber category, fruit juice generally has zero fiber and is loaded with simple sugars, making it a Magic Window-only carb. If you enjoy the sweetness and taste of fruit, eat the whole fruit rather than just drinking the juice; it is much more filling and gives you the benefits of fiber.
For those who crave starches or sweets, the Magic Window can be a strong motivation to exercise. In the Hormone Revolution Eating Plan, you have to earn each serving of sugars or starches that you eat-but at least you can still eat them! Women can eat one serving of these foods for every 20 minutes of exercise, and men can eat one serving for every 15 minutes of exercise.
This doesn’t mean you should exercise for 3 hours straight so you can pig out at Dunkin’ Donuts. Limit your dialy exercise to 1 hour, which means you can eat a maximum of four servings of low-fiber carbohydrates per day for men and three servings for women. Most important, remember that you have to eat them within 30 to 60 minutes of exercising. Table Sources Of Carbohydrates
Table 3.1: Sources Of Carbohydrates
While most fruit belongs in the moderate-fiber category, fruit juice generally has zero fiber and is loaded with simple sugars, making it a Magic Window-only carb. If you enjoy the sweetness and taste of fruit, eat the whole fruit rather than just drinking the juice; it is much more filling and gives you the benefits of fiber.
For those who crave starches or sweets, the Magic Window can be a strong motivation to exercise. In the Hormone Revolution Eating Plan, you have to earn each serving of sugars or starches that you eat-but at least you can still eat them! Women can eat one serving of these foods for every 20 minutes of exercise, and men can eat one serving for every 15 minutes of exercise.
This doesn’t mean you should exercise for 3 hours straight so you can pig out at Dunkin’ Donuts. Limit your dialy exercise to 1 hour, which means you can eat a maximum of four servings of low-fiber carbohydrates per day for men and three servings for women. Most important, remember that you have to eat them within 30 to 60 minutes of exercising. Table Sources Of Carbohydrates
Table 3.1: Sources Of Carbohydrates
Artichokes Asparagus Bean Sprouts Bell Peppers Broccoli Cabbage Celery Cucumber Eggplant Garlic Green beans Lettuce Onions Radishes Snow peas Spinach Squash | Grains: Brown rice Steel-cut oatmeal Whole-rye bread Whole-wheat bread Fruits: Apples Apricots Blackberries Blueberries Boysenberries Cheries Grapefruit Kiwis Oranges Peaches Pineapples Raspberries Strawberries Vegetables: Beans Carrots Chickpeas Corn Popcorn (Unbuttered) | ⅓ Cup ½ Cup 1 slice 1 slice 1 4 1 cup ¾ cup 1 cup 15 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 ½ ¾ cup 1 cup 1 cup ¾ cup 3 ⅓ cup ½ - ¾ cup 5 cups | Fruits juice Rice cakes White bread white-flour bagel White-flour pasta White rice | ½ cup 2 1 slice ¼ ½ cup ⅓ cup |
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